Saturday, March 14, 2009

This week was on Easy Street

I took this picture last Sunday during the run around Salem N.H. and did not realise how appropriate it would ably to this week after last weeks 60+ miles I did go to The Sports Spa in Woburn, MA to get a great massage from Mike Toomey. After that I literally was on Easy Street the rest of week on Tuesday night was last indoor track session at AHS. So even tho was a little sore from both the high mileage and the once over by Mike. I waddled tru 6 Miles in 60 min. Not going to but the workout down since I was back of my last years Group H running about 8min/mile pace. Wednesday was a short jog of 5 miles in 50 min. Thursday did get back on the mill for 10 miles in 80 min. Friday did a 2 mile swim in 80 min. plus hit the StairMaster for 8 miles in 70 min. Today easy 3 miles in am. followed by a strength/core workout in the pm and 5 miles in 40 min. on the StairMaster.

So, that is all there is here on "Easy Street".


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